What Nobody Tells You — It’s Not Happiness That You Need
If a post-human species looks back at humanity they could well define us as creatures in constant search for happiness. Definitions of happiness are borrowed from society and passed down through generations, and the message we get is that happiness is attained by acquiring more or changing something about ourselves. …
You are Hurting Yourself and You Don’t Know It
The only reason you don’t feel good is that you don’t allow yourself to. You may quip back and say that your boss makes you feel inadequate. Your partner constantly points out your flaws. Your family fails to understand you. YOU are at the center of all this. How can …
Ancient Teachings on Achieving Goals
To express and bring a vision to life is intrinsic to human nature. What does not come innately is how to execute an idea so that you may achieve your goals as effortlessly and effectively as possible. When executing an idea, we are almost guaranteed to encounter obstacles or the actions we …
Understanding the Superpowers of 21st Century Vanguards
Life has given me the gift of travel and variety. By the time I reached my mid-30s I lived across three continents and visited 30+ countries. I had worked at a renowned consulting firm, built a fashion business, operated a software startup and invested in young technology companies — all …
Deep Travel: Rocket Fuel for Your Inner Growth
I spent my 20s wandering solo through over 30 countries. The world felt like a carnival to be explored. Every turn revealed a kaleidoscope of experiences — new sights, sounds, languages, and everything else that defines a place and its people. I look back at this period of exploration as …